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About Wendy Hopkins Family Law Practice
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Child Law
Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
One Couple, One Lawyer
Civil Partnerships
Collaborative Law
International Family Law
Divorce Finances and Separation Finances
High Profile Individuals
Business Owners
Medical Professionals
Lottery Winners
Offshore Trusts
Accountants/ IFAs
Armed Forces
Civil Servants
Affidavit of Single Status
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Press Releases
Sam John features in the Law Society Gazette
New promotions and appointment
Two new paralegals for specialist law firm
25th Anniversary
Marriages casualties of coronavirus
Law firm smashes target for its challenge
New director and solicitor at law practice
Double Promotion at Family Law Firm
Lockdown has taught lessons about business
Promotions and new recruit at family law firm
Divorce Day 2020
Free will offer at legal firm
Wales 247: Cohabitation Agreements
Divorce Day 2019
A day in the life of Melanie Hamer
Wales’ answer to The Split (Wales Online)
Melanie Hamer: CCFC Foundation Trustee
The impact of Legal Aid reforms on divorce
Women leading the way in their profession
Unfair divorce settlements
Marie Curie promotes free Will writing offer
Marriage Equality
Melanie Hamer named as 1 of 9 role models
Back to school for Hamer
Invest in Cardiff: Practice Makes Perfect
The best-dressed businesspeople in Wales
High Street Legal Practices Play A Key Role
Director talks on the future of the legal sector
Stonewall Cymru e-bulletin guest blog
Melanie Hamer’s journey
New appointments at expanding law firm
Divorce rates fall to lowest levels since 1970s
Sarah Wyburn on “Tesco’s law”
Four weddings and 6,000 divorces
Women should take the business plunge
Criticism of Hello! magazine approach”
Directors’ group to nurture leaders.
Cardiff Business Club: Melanie Hamer
Talented pair join family law practice
The Legal Services Act
First Welsh Law Firm To Join Stonewall
Money worries delaying divorces
Lawyers celebrate 15 years in business
How to break up amicably
Solicitor’s hard work rewarded
The Apprentice: Join the Debate
Leading women to share business secrets
Business club’s four new directors
Grandparents should see their grandchildren
30 best-dressed businesswomen in Wales
International Women’s Day: My inspiration
The Big Freeze put marriages on the skids
A-Z of the Best Networkers in Wales
Law firm sets up flourishing partnership
Forced adoptions by court order figures
Living and working in Cardiff
Melanie Hamer rises to the legal challenge
Same-sex couples show commitment
The Big Interview: Melanie Hamer
Daddy’s Girl
Law firm backs council over parents’ rights
Life and suffering from dementia
Women breadwinners gain ground
CSA sees rise in parents paying maintenance
Know Your Rights
Melanie Hamer: I can’t live without
How to resolve disputes and remain friends
Law firm expands
Children of divorced parents still marry
Keeping up appearances
Family law firm grows
1m extra to fight violence against women
Divorce business and the business divorce
Women still lower on the career ladder
Lawyer Melanie’s advice to Cheryl
Go into surrogacy with your eyes open
South Wales Ladies Business Club
Lawyer’s delight at academy fellowship
Breaking up when you’re a celebrity
Recession blamed for drop in divorce
January gives love the cold shoulder
Trio doing the business for charity!
Wedding Slingers
Strong progress as team grows
Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves
Lawyer urges striker to pay wife 3 million
Lawyer’s Facebook site makes global impact
Positive growth at businesswomen’s club
IoD Welcomes New Members
Settle The Score, Chops!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Rugby Weekends Linked With Divorce Rise
Troubled marriages ‘a danger to health’
Family Law Specialist Ends Year On A High
Solicitors join committee of charities
Will it be Ritchie for poorer in split?
Legal eagles in race for charity cash
I Can’t Live Without: Eimear Kane
The mums who walk out on their children
Lawyers open for tea and cakes
Tom has a ball in stadium competition
Divorces increase as couples feel the pinch
Children denied access to grandparents
Surge in divorces set to hit the region
Family Law Practice Moves To LLP Status
Law firm expands further
Solicitor speaks at Women’s Aid Conference
Businesswomen’s club enjoys rapid growth
Race for Life
Flexible Working: Thea Hughes
24 Hours: Melanie Hamer
Family solicitors and high-profile divorces
Head of Matrimonial joins law firm
Adoption by Madonna and Guy Ritchie
Law firm announces further growth
The end of the Child Support Agency
Pre-Nuptial Agreements
Wendy Hopkins Family Law Practice Invests In Future
Family Law Partner
Law Firm Marks Decade of Growth
Divorcing without screwing up your children
Fathers 4 Justice