Divorces among opposite-sex couples

Even though marriages follow a downward trend, the number of divorces in 2019 reached 107,599, an increase from 90,871 divorces in 2018 and the highest number of divorces since 2014 when there were 111,169 divorces. Out of all the divorces in 2019 only 297 marriages were nullified. See more about annulment of marriage: https://wendyhopkins.co.uk/annulment-of-marriage/

Divorces among same-sex couples

The number of divorces for same-sex couples in 2019 was 822 with 233 divorces relating to male couples and 589 relating to female couples. Out of 822 same-sex divorces, 2 of their marriages were nullified.

Age of individuals getting divorced

Men’s age at divorce (opposite-sex couples) Women’s age at divorce (opposite-sex couples) Men’s age at divorce (same-sex couples) Women’s age at divorce (same-sex couples)
Under 20 2 1 0 0
20 to 24 129 413 3 10
25 to 29 1,976 3,470 16 67
30 to 34 6,284 8,169 39 132
35 to 39 9,264 10,571 47 109
40 to 44 9,671 10,241 28 80
45 to 49 11,169 10,946 21 54
50 to 54 10,523 9,608 13 45
55 to 59 7,654 6,118 7 22
60 and over 8,322 5,568 13 18
Age not stated 42,605 42,494 279 641

Divorce and marriage statistics 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic it is anticipated that the number of marriages will drop dramatically due to venues being cancelled/ closed, group gatherings being restricted and wedding dates being postponed until 2021. It is possible we will see lower than expected divorce rates in the 2020 statistics also due to the pandemic causing delays in the court system and couples being forced during lockdowns to live together.

Remote hearings are however helping to relieve pressure. See more about remote hearings: https://wendyhopkins.co.uk/family-law-what-to-expect-from-remote-hearings/

*Data source: Latest research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – Divorces in England and Wales – 2019: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/divorce/bulletins/divorcesinenglandandwales/2019